

  • Past and Upcoming Events

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Coming Together: Celebrating the Magic of Community, Knowledge Exchange and Solidarity Building


On March 21st, we hosted Coming Together: Celebrating the Magic of Community, Knowledge Exchange, and Solidarity Building. This virtual event provided an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of our membership and team as we came to the end of our SUAP funding. We said goodbye to the amazing NSSCoP team and reflected on what we value about the NSSCoP and planned how we can continue to move the work forward now that the CoP has been greatly scaled down. 


Facilitator: Khari Wendall McClelland (facilitator and musician)

Graphic Recorder: Shannon Loomer from Visual Talks


See the recording of the event and the graphic recording (image above). 


Read the NSSCoP Final Report


Urine Drug Screen Workshops


In March, Claire Snelgrove came to our monthly Clinician Meeting and our Interdisciplinary Thursday Drop-in Meeting to talk about the science behind urine drug screens. People asked questions and shared their experiences about UDS. Here is the recording of the Thursday Drop In meeting and the link to Claire’s slides


Unregulated substances, safer supply, psychiatric symptoms and medications

In April, Hamilton psychiatrists Claire Slavin-Stewart and Rachel Lamont attended the Clinician Meeting to discuss interactions between safer supply and illegal substances and psychiatric symptoms and medications. You can view Dr. Slavin-Stewart’s slides here.



Members are welcome to join our weekly meeting drop-in meetings. It is an interdisciplinary group with prescribers, pharmacists, harm reduction workers, policy folks, nurses, people who use drugs, etc. Right now, we are meeting on Thursdays at 12pm ETNote: we have a new ZOOM LINK as of April 1st.

Expect to see: Skills sharing, book club, community presentations, and more! Would you like to talk about your work or share a skill? Contact Rebecca at to sign up!



CLINICIAN MEETING: Are you a health care provider who is involved in prescribing safer supply, e.g., NPs, MDs, PAs, RNs? If you are interested in attending our next clinician meeting on prescribing safer supply on Wednesday, May 1st at 12pm PT | 3pm ET, please register here. Clinician meeting goals include: (1) Connecting safer supply clinicians; (2) Discussing case studies; (3) Asking questions; and, (4) Sharing clinical experiences.

PROGRAM OPERATIONS MEETINGS: For those of you involved in running programs (developing policies, doing reporting, etc.), join us on Fridays at 11 am PT/ 3 pm ET. We have a structured meeting on the 3rd Friday of every month, but the other Fridays are drop-in times. For May 17th, we'll discuss the new SUAP reporting expectations.



We have put webinars on hold until the summer. Please stay tuned for information about upcoming webinars. We have some exciting new resources by our working groups coming out that we’ll share at a webinar. 


Our webinars showcase innovative programs and new research and evaluation studies. Reach out to Rebecca if you would like to present at a webinar.

Check out our new NSSCoP Publications!

Coming Together: Celebrating community, knowledge exchange, and solidarity building - NSSCoP Wrap Up Report. 2024.
This report summarizes the accomplishments of the NSSCoP membership and team over the past 3 years.

Action for Safer Supply Working Group, NSS-CoP, 2024. 5 Ways to Take Action for Safer Supply

This zine was produced collaboratively by the NSS-CoP's Action for Safer Supply working group - a group composed exclusively of people who use drugs. All members of this group brought their living and lived expertise to the course of its work, which ran from 2022-2024.

The painting featured on the back cover is by Action for Safer Supply member millie. You can find more of millie's work at The zine design and layout is by Action for Safer Supply member Jonathan Valelly. Check out to learn more about their work.

This zine is copyleft, meaning you are encouraged to reproduce it in part or in full. For instructions on how to access the PDF and/or print your own copies, see the last two pages.

Safer Supply Research, Practice and Advocacy: Past, Present, Future - Symposium Report.


This report summarizes the proceedings of the October 26th, 2023 Symposium held in Toronto, ON.
Community Resources

Maamwi-Gka-Wiiji-Nokiimdimi: Working Together for Each Other - a webinar series organized by Anishinabek Nation, Oahas, and NSSCoP

- Webinar 1: Indigenous Harm Reduction 101 - introduction and basics

- Webinar 2: Ryan Joseph from Aamjwnaang First Nation and Betsy Kechego from Chippewas of the Thames First Nation share their journey through addiction and recovery. 

- Webinar 3: This webinar examines the intersection of Indigenous culture and traditions such as using traditional medicines or ceremonies with people who use drugs. Trevor Stratton (CAAN) talks about community readiness, community action, and wholistic care models for Indigenous PWUD. Cathy Walker of Giwaabamin who will discuss the importance of Plant Medicines and low barrier care options for PWUD who are street involved or unhoused.

Webinar 4: Explores the tapestry of Indigenous Harm Reduction movements within communities. 

A dynamic panel of folks shine a light on their local grassroots, community-led harm reduction initiatives. Discover the inspiring programs that have taken root, providing tangible examples of success that can be adapted and applied across diverse Indigenous communities. 

Webinar 5: Dr. Nanky Rai presents on Settler Colonialism and the Drug Poisoning Crisis - Structural Determinants of Overdose Deaths in so-called Canada; and Dr. Andrea Sereda presents Healing Through Change: How our healthcare system is failing vulnerable groups


VANDU. (2024). Living on the EIDGE - A VANDU Zine. DTES Drinkers Telling Our Own Stories. 


BCCDC. (2024).  Unregulated Drug Poisoning Emergency Dashboard. New information has been added to the dashboard as of April 12, 2024 on the use of prescribed alternatives to the toxic drug supply. 


Office of the Chief Medical Officer. (2024). Balancing Act: An All of Society Approach to Substance Use and Harms. 2023 Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Retrieved 04/12/2024 from 


CRACKDOWN Podcast: March episode - Kids on the block, part 3: Danny. 

Clarke, S., et al. (2024).  Primary care management of substance use. 2nd edition. META:PHI (note: omits safer supply prescribing).

EMCDDA. 2024. Health and social responses: drug consumption rooms
NSS-CoP Resource Library: Did you know we have a resource library with OVER 1,800 resources on safer supply? You can access it for FREE anytime. It features academic journal articles, grey literature, knowledge translation materials, clinical practice guidelines, and more!
Lots of great papers published over the past couple of months! We couldn’t narrow it down to just one paper!

Michaud, L., Kolla, G., Rudzinski, K., & Guta, A. (2024). Mapping a moral panic: News media narratives and medical expertise in public debates on safer supply, diversion, and youth drug use in Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy. 

The authors explore criteria for moral panics & map out the current rhetoric on safer supply in relation to this. They outline how the current rhetoric around safer supply is out of sync with research evidence showing strongly positive impacts from safer supply – including significant reductions in overdose deaths and improvements in clinical outcomes among people who receive it. They examine the impacts this moral panic may have on drug policy.

Campbell, TJ., et al. (2024). Varying circumstances surrounding opioid toxicity deaths across ethno-racial groups in Ontario, Canada: a population-based descriptive cross-sectional study. BMJ Public Health

The risk factors, circumstances and patterns of drug involvement in opioid-involved toxicity deaths differ substantially across ethno-racial groups, and there are stark ethno-racial disparities in the use of harm reduction tools and in access to treatment

Ledlie, S., et al. (2024). Opioid-related deaths between 2019 and 2021 across 9 Canadian provinces and territories. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 

Across Canada, the burden of premature opioid-related deaths doubled between 2019 and 2021, representing more than one-quarter of deaths among younger adults. The disproportionate loss of life in this demographic group highlights the critical need for targeted prevention efforts.


Kolla, G. et al. (2024). “Everybody is impacted. Everybody’s hurting”: Grief, loss, and the emotional impacts of overdose on harm reduction workers. International Journal of Drug Policy.  

- Harm reductions workers experience physical, emotional, and social effects from overdose related loss and grief. 

- This is exacerbated by the lack of political response to the scale of the crisis and the broader socio-economic-political environment of chronic underfunding for harm reduction services. 

- The study highlights opportunities for organizational practices to better support harm reduction workers. 

- Improvement to the socio-economic-political determinants of work are needed.


Dertadian, GC. (2024). The coloniality of drug prohibition. International Journal of Drug Policy. 


Russel, C., et al. (2024). Examining inequities in access to opioid agonist treatment (OAT) in take-home doses (THD): A Canadian OAT guideline synthesis and systematic review. International Journal of Drug Policy. 

Mayer, S., et al. (2024). “I’m just searching to get better”: Constructions of treatment citizenship on injectable opioid agonist treatment. Social Science and Medicine.


Watson, T.M., et al. (2024). Defining a public health approach to substance use: Perpsectives from professionals and practitioners across Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy.

Chen, X-Y. et al. (2024). Development of a fentanyl-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) to antagonize pharmacological effects of fentanyl. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 


Dertadian, GC., Askew, R., (2024). Towards a social harms approach in drug policy. International Journal of Drug Policy. 


Ivsins, A., et al. (2024). A qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of overdose among people who smoke drugs in Vancouver, British Columbia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 


Gozdzialski, L., et al. (2024). Beyond a spec: assessing heterogeneity in the unregulated opioid supply. Harm Reduction Journal. 


Pique-Buisan, J, Banos, Josep-E, Cabra-Badii, I. (2024). Telling the story of the opioid crisis: A narrative analysis of the TV series Dopesick. PLOS ONE


Sugarman, OK., et al. (2024). Association of buprenorphine retention and subsequent adverse outcomes following non-fatal overdose: An analysis using statewide linked Maryland databases. Drug and Alcohol Dependence


St. Onge, CM. et al. (2024). Xylazine does not enhance fentanyl reinforcement in rats: A behavioural economic analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 


Dunn, KE and Strain, EC. (2024). Establishing a research agenda for the study and assessment of opioid withdrawal. The Lancet Psychiatry. 


Collins, AB., et al. (2024). “It gets you high as a kite but not unsick”: Characterizations of and responses to a changing local drug supply by people who use drugs in Rhode Island. International Journal of Drug Policy. 


Kruis, NE., et al. (2024). Addiction Frameworks, Social Stigma, and NIMBY Syndrome: Examining Barriers to Responding to the Opioid Crisis. Contemporary Drug Problems. 


McAteer, JM. et al. (2024). NYC’s Overdose Prevention Centers: Data from the first year of supervised consumption services. NEJM Catalyst. 


Bovell-Ammon, BJ., et al. (2024). Prison Buprenorphine Implementation and Postrelease Opioid Use Disorder Outcomes. JAMA Network Open. 


Patocka, J. et al. (2024). Fentanyl and its derivatives: Pain-killers or man-killers? Heliyon. 


Johnson, B, Monwell, B., Johansson Capusan A. (2024). Long-acting injectable depot buprenorphine from a harm reduction perspective in patients with ongoing substance use and multiple psychiatric comorbidities: a qualitative interview study. Harm Reduction Journal. 

Victor, G., Ray, B., Watson, D. (2024). Use of harm reduction strategies by individuals with a history of incarceration: A short report using baseline data collected from the STAMINA clinical trial. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment. 


McClaren, R., et al., (2024). Differences in Substance Use and Harm Reduction Practices by Race and Ethnicity: Rhode Island Harm Reduction Surveillance System, 2021-2022. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 


Barry, R., et al. (2024). Prevalence of mental health disorders among individuals experiencing homelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. 


Roy, BD., et al. (2024). Prescription opioid dispensing patterns among patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. BMC Psychiatry. 


Lewer, D. et al. (2024). Fatal opioid overdoses during and shortly after hospital admissions in England: a case-crossover study. PLOS Medicine. 


Riggs, KR., Kertesz, SG. (2024). Illuminating the consequentialist logic of harm reduction after overdose through a hypothetical randomized trial. American Journal of Bioethics. 


Garcia-Sempere, A., et al. (2024). Initial opioid prescription characteristics and risk of opioid misuse, poisoning, and dependence: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Quality and Safety. 


Schuler, MS., et al., (2024). Growing importance of high-volume buprenorphine prescriber in OUD treatment: 2009-2018. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 


Baby, SM., et al., (2024). Fentanyl activates opposing opioid and non-opioid receptor systems that control breathing. Frontiers in Pharmacology.


Milas, BL., Varon, AJ. (2024). Naloxone for Opioid Overdose: Comment. Anesthesiology. 


Barnett, A., et al. (2024). The dynamics of more-than-human care in depot buprenorphine treatment: a new material analysis of Australian patients’ experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy. 


Popova, L., Massey, ZB., and Giordano, NA. (2024). Warning Labels as a Public Health Intervention: Effects and Challenges for Tobacco, Cannabis, and Opioid Medications. Annual Review of Public Health. 

Koch, FC. et al. (2024). The impact of tightened prescribing restrictions for PBS-subsidized opioid medicines and the introduction of half-pack sizes, Australia, 2020-21: an interrupted time series analysis. The Medical Journal of Australia.
National and General News:
British Columbia:   Saskatchewan:  

Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut:

Share your skills:

We’d like to create opportunities for skills sharing. Let us know if you would like to offer a workshop or present to the membership.

Share your successes:

Share your success stories, your reports, and safer supply resources that you develop with the NSS-CoP membership through:

How can we help? Let us know what you need! Our goal is to support you by assisting in areas around your programs, organizations, and communities!

Want to provide us with anonymous feedback, suggestions, and/or comments? Fill out this anonymous feedback survey - it is completely anonymous and confidential.

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(519) 660-0875 ext. 1264

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