Bienvenue dans notre banque interrogeable de ressources et de documentation sur l’approvisionnement plus sécuritaire et autres sujets connexes.
Bienvenue dans notre banque interrogeable de ressources et de documentation sur l’approvisionnement plus sécuritaire et autres sujets connexes.
This study aimed to quantify self-stigma, explore some aspects of perceived stigma, determine the factors associated with greater self-stigma and examine whether the level of self-stigma was relate
Identifying the most effective state laws and provisions to reduce opioid overdose deaths remains critical.
Infrastructural violence ensues when infrastructure is designed for some members or groups within a society while perpetuating violence among others.
This research examines how nurses' talk and institutional texts discursively construct social justice within the institutional context of the emergency department, and how such discourses shape the
This study sought to understand the specific characteristics and operations of harm reduction housing (HRH) in Boston to generate a comprehensive inventory tool for evaluating implementation of har
To assess real-world access to buprenorphine treatment in Philadelphia and measure adoption of policies and practices that facilitate buprenorphine access.
This commentary is concerned with buprenorphine treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder in the fentanyl era.
The rise of high-potency opioids such as fentanyl makes buprenorphine initiation challenging due to the risks of precipitated withdrawal, prompting the exploration of strategies, such as low-dose i
Ongoing law enforcement strategies to disrupt local unregulated drug markets can have an iatrogenic effect of increasing overdose by driving consumers towards new suppliers with unpredictable drug
This study assesses the prevalence and correlates of chronic pain among primary fentanyl users.
A growing body of research details the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic-related public health directives and service disruptions on people who use unregulated drugs, however, there is limited research
This paper discusses the unique risk profile of potent, synthetic illegal drugs being packaged as counterfeit pills (as opposed to powder) in the context of overdose crises like those seen in North
People exposed to fentanyl may report that the dose of methadone in the commonly accepted therapeutic range feels too low. This paper examines self-reported methadone dose adequacy.
This study examines the recent proliferation of manslaughter charges and subsequent prosecutions brought against people who have shared, sold, or provided drugs that have led to overdose death in C
Summarizes the Timmins Summit, held in partnership with the City of Timmins.
This paper describes the results of retrospective Safer Stimulant Supply program medical chart reviews.
CCENDU, co-ordinated by the CCSA, publishes this newsletter regularly to inform people living in Canada about emerging substance use issues and trends.